


As we settle into another year, we cannot help but ask ourselves: What tech trends will we see in 2017 and beyond? Let’s take a closer look!

1.  Internet of Things (IOT) and Smart Home Technology:

IOT is the idea that technology not only tracks data, but it also uses that information to contact other technology platforms. For example, imagine you are driving along the highway and there is ice on a bridge ahead of you. Alert systems in the bridge inform your car to slow down because of the upcoming ice. Connecting technology within homes have advanced in the last year, but companies such as Google, Amazon, and Apple are expected to continue to change the IOT game within our daily lives.

2.  Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality:

AR and VR technology in 2016 entered the market with Pokémon Go which resulted in over 100 million downloads. These alternate realities will provide information in the form of apps and services, while also transforming rooms and spaces to become active things and connections. This interactive technology will change the face of marketing.

3.  Machine Learning:

Artificial intelligence is created from techniques such as deep learning and natural-language processing which allows for advanced algorithm systems to help systems understand, learn, predict, and adapt. This is how various systems appear to be “intelligent.” Such intelligence will help industries to become more client and customer focused by being able to make personalized suggestions and offer better recommended products based on purchase history.

4.  Automation:

A software model called Digital Twin relies on sensor data to understand what is happening around it. This software can understand location and temperature, dates, and analytics to provide valuable information for businesses. Within the next few years, organizations will use Digital Twins to plan manufacturing processes, operate factories, predict equipment failure, increase efficiency, and perform product development. This means that Digital Twins will become a partner to skilled individuals to enhance productivity, or replace some jobs all together.

5.  Humanized Big Data:

Big data is the idea that mass quantities of gathered data can help with every aspect of our jobs, from planning medical treatments to executing better marketing campaigns. 2017 will bring advancements to use this data for qualitative purposes. 

6.  Physical-Digital Integrations:

While we already have features for shopping such as site-to-store purchasing, it is predicted that this year will bring further advancements to convenience of purchasing for customers. For example, Amazon will start having more physical store locations, and other large stores like Wal-Mart will increase their digital features.

7.  Everything On-Demand:

Brands such as Uber have made the availability of quick service by way of apps possible. However, apps will continue to develop to bring the consumer more products straight to their location.
Sources: and

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